As we continue our series that seeks to redefine Christian doctrines, today we explore whether predestination could mean something different from what we have been told.
Paradise Lost – Redefining Faith #5
In this episode we examine a view of sin as a fundamental approach to life which, while demonstrated in transgressions, runs deeper than transgressions. In fact, we see that God orchestrated the transgressions in order to bring about Sin’s demise.
Of Amoebas and Men – Redefining Faith #3
In this episode we explain why the Trinity matters. We argue that it’s not just a matter of right doctrine, but rather that God must be a fellowship if he is a loving God.
The Plane Truth – Redefining Faith #2
In this episode we revisit the idea of interpreting Scripture literally, arguing that obeying whatever seems to be a “plain sense” reading of Scripture can be harmful, ignoring the context and the literary aspects of the Bible. But the gospel is our guide to reading Scripture the way it was meant to be read.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth – Redefining Faith #1
In a post-Christian world, clarifying the gospel will require the correction of misconceptions. In this episode, we redefine the notion of biblical inerrancy.
Women in Ministry – Simple Church #8
We conclude our series on Simple Church by discussing how mutual ministry — our topic from last week — requires the full employment of women’s gifts, just as it does the gifts of those of different racial or cultural backgrounds.
Mutual Ministry – Simple Church #7
As a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, we are also called to practice mutual ministry where every member contributes for the encouragement of the church.
Multicultural Congregations – Simple Church #6
As a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, we are called to gather as multicultural congregations united by Christ.
Kingdom of Priests – Simple Church #5
In this episode Nathan explains how the gospel resumes God’s calling on his people to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
Spiritual and Positional Authority – Simple Church #4
In this episode Nathan describes how spiritual authority and positional authority operate in tandem together in the church.