In this episode we redefine church, moving from a consumeristic model where we transact with the institutional church to provide us with goods and services, to a relational model, in which we worship God by mutually serving one another and doing good in the world.
Living Water – Redefining Faith #10
In this episode we redefine the person and work of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity who indwells Christians to incline and empower them to become like Christ in their actions and character.
God’s Gym – Redefining Faith #9
In this episode we redefine sanctification, arguing that instead of reducing sins and increasing good deeds, it is instead our ongoing salvation from the way of the world through the faith of Christ we received by believing the gospel.
From What I’ll Do To You – Redefining Faith #8
In this episode we redefine salvation as liberation from sinful society and from its destination.
Not Just a Skin Suit – Redefining Faith #7
Jesus did not merely appear to be a human — a view of Jesus many Christians implicitly hold. No, he had to be fully human in order to live by faith and thus become the “pioneer and perfecter of faith” that the New Testament says he is for us.
Reserved Standing – Redefining Faith #6
As we continue our series that seeks to redefine Christian doctrines, today we explore whether predestination could mean something different from what we have been told.
Paradise Lost – Redefining Faith #5
In this episode we examine a view of sin as a fundamental approach to life which, while demonstrated in transgressions, runs deeper than transgressions. In fact, we see that God orchestrated the transgressions in order to bring about Sin’s demise.
Working for the Weekend – Redefining Faith #4
In this episode we examine the literal readings of Genesis 1 and 2 and ask whether these passages actually require us to believe scientifically disproven interpretations, while also seeing that they reveal much about God’s intention for humanity in Christ.
Of Amoebas and Men – Redefining Faith #3
In this episode we explain why the Trinity matters. We argue that it’s not just a matter of right doctrine, but rather that God must be a fellowship if he is a loving God.
The Plane Truth – Redefining Faith #2
In this episode we revisit the idea of interpreting Scripture literally, arguing that obeying whatever seems to be a “plain sense” reading of Scripture can be harmful, ignoring the context and the literary aspects of the Bible. But the gospel is our guide to reading Scripture the way it was meant to be read.